Tuesday 2 February 2010


I bought all of my skins yesterday for this collection. I felt a little part of me got lost that day. Lost in that big old warehouse. I felt it before one year ago but it was a different feeling, because this time I am on my own with this. This collection is entirely for myself and no one else. It's a nice feeling but I cant help feeling a little lonely, but I think that is just how it's meant to be. I was meant to start 2010 with a clean palette, and I didn't, I was greedy. I can see that now. I have to stop wanting to make stuff for these impossible, beautiful, powerful women. The incident (of rather.. lack of) with Miss P. really got me down last year. I vowed never to make anyone anything again and for now, I do think that is the case. This collection was meant to be for me and I keep on getting caught up in other peoples dreams and aspirations. I need to be stronger than that.

Its my collection, I need to do this for me, and not for anyone else

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